Thursday, April 8, 2010

White, white, white

I settled.  I went for white.  Plain, boring white.  I had the paint and a trip to the store was not in the cards last night.  Here is the transformation of the door.

This is the door 'before'.  It was a dingy white - didn't match the trim. This was the case with three or four doors in the house.  Why is that?  Did they paint it at different times? Does white paint yellow over time?  I don't know but it was BUGGING me. 

I decided to follow my inspiration picture and try the layered color look.   At first I taped.

But that was taking way too I ripped all the tape off and just went for it.  I was surprised how well I did.  However, it caused me to use too many coats of paint - and so the color was much darker than the walls..making it look dirty.  Here is the finished door.

See what I mean - it looks like a bad, fake tan?  However, please note my super straight paint job.  Wow..I may have a marketable skill? 

I promised a friend I would leave it this way for three days to be sure it was wrong.  I did and hated every single day of it.  I considered going with a teal or a taupe instead of the wall color but settled on plain, boring white.....although it does look so clean and now matches the tape!

Much is a poor lighting job but you get the drift.

Tonight, I go to my sewing lessons where I finish my's a sneak peek...

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